Planificar q.b.
"Five strategies to help students respond well to uncertainty—and foster complex problem-solving skills" (Beghetto, 2017). 1. View (Good)...

Ensino: novas abordagens
"Students learn more when we let them wrestle with a math problem before we teach them how to solve it" (Seeley, 2017). NOTA: Caso...

Boa pergunta!
Francis. E. (2017). Now That's a Good Question! How to Promote Cognitive Rigor Through Classroom Questioning. EUA, VA: ASCD Store. About...

A componente prática no ensino

Smith, D., Frey, N., Pumpian, I., & Fisher, D. (2017). Building Equity - Polices and Practices to Empower All Learners. VA: ASCD. "Our...

Aprendizagem ativa
Chapter 1. The High Cost of Disengagement Think about the typical question-and-answer session in most classrooms. We call it "the beach...

Inclusão: porquê, quem, onde, como?
Sugestão de leitura: A guide for ensuring inclusion and equity in education was developed by the United Nations educational, Scientific...

Comunicação e Linguagem
Instituto de Educação, Universidade do Minho, Braga | 16 setembro 2017