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Francis. E. (2017). Now That's a Good Question! How to Promote Cognitive Rigor Through Classroom Questioning. EUA, VA: ASCD Store.

About This Book

In this book, Erik M. Francis explores how one of the most fundamental instructional strategies—questioning—can provide the proper scaffolding to deepen student thinking, understanding, and application of knowledge. You'll learn:

- Techniques for using questioning to extend and evaluate student learning experiences.

- Eight different kinds of questions that challenge students to demonstrate higher-order thinking and communicate depth of knowledge.

- How to rephrase the performance objectives of college and career readiness standards into questions that engage and challenge students.

"Whether you work in suburban or urban schools, teaching average performers, gifted high achievers and underachievers, children of immigrants, students with special needs, students who repeatedly experience school failure, or simply your average passive performer teetering between staying in and dropping out, your excellence in effective teaching could be the answer to parents' prayers and the vehicle by which they see their dreams for their son or daughter realized. One teacher can make such a difference."

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Ana Manuela
Faria Salgado
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Habilitações Académicas

Licenciatura em Ensino Básico, variante EVT (2004)

Pós-graduação em Arte-Terapia (2005)

Especialização em Educação Especial, grupo 920 (2007)

Mestrado (2ºciclo) Psicopatologia da Comunicação e Linguagem (2009)

Mestrado Integrado em Psicologia (2014)

Especialização em Educação Especial, grupo 910 (2017)


Experiência Profissional

Docência (1º, 2º e 3º ciclos. Educação Especial, Curso Profissional, AEC)

Avaliação/Intervenção psicoeducacional

Bolseira de Investigação no INML (PTDC/MHC-PAP/4295/2012)



Outras informações

CAP 51033/2004

CCPFC/RFO 26558/09

Membro Efetivo da OPP

Sócio Fundador ADIPSIEDUC

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