Teaching Channel

Name: _________________________
Our Classroom Rules
1. Be a good listener.
2. Respect the people and materials in class.
3. Do your best!
If You Choose To Break A Rule:
First Time: Verbal Warning
Second Time: Name is removed from the classroom heart
Third Time: Note home to parents
Fourth Time: Phone call to parents
Fifth Time: Referral written and student will be sent to the office
*Severe Disruption: Student will be sent to the office immediately
Stickers, Pencils, and Prizes
Healthy Snacks
Positive Notes Home
“Choice Time” Certificates
Student: I have read this classroom discipline plan and understand it. I will honor it!
_____________________ _________________
Signature Date
Parents: My child has discussed the classroom discipline plan with me.
I understand it and will support it.
_____________________ _________________
Signature Date
Thank you for your support! I look forward to a positive and productive year!
Miss Mahoney