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Teaching Channel


Name: _________________________

Our Classroom Rules

1. Be a good listener.

2. Respect the people and materials in class.

3. Do your best!

If You Choose To Break A Rule:

First Time: Verbal Warning

Second Time: Name is removed from the classroom heart

Third Time: Note home to parents

Fourth Time: Phone call to parents

Fifth Time: Referral written and student will be sent to the office

*Severe Disruption: Student will be sent to the office immediately



Stickers, Pencils, and Prizes

Healthy Snacks

Positive Notes Home

“Choice Time” Certificates

Student: I have read this classroom discipline plan and understand it. I will honor it!

_____________________ _________________

Signature Date

Parents: My child has discussed the classroom discipline plan with me.

I understand it and will support it.

_____________________ _________________

Signature Date

Thank you for your support! I look forward to a positive and productive year!


Miss Mahoney

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Habilitações Académicas

Licenciatura em Ensino Básico, variante EVT (2004)

Pós-graduação em Arte-Terapia (2005)

Especialização em Educação Especial, grupo 920 (2007)

Mestrado (2ºciclo) Psicopatologia da Comunicação e Linguagem (2009)

Mestrado Integrado em Psicologia (2014)

Especialização em Educação Especial, grupo 910 (2017)


Experiência Profissional

Docência (1º, 2º e 3º ciclos. Educação Especial, Curso Profissional, AEC)

Avaliação/Intervenção psicoeducacional

Bolseira de Investigação no INML (PTDC/MHC-PAP/4295/2012)



Outras informações

CAP 51033/2004

CCPFC/RFO 26558/09

Membro Efetivo da OPP

Sócio Fundador ADIPSIEDUC

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