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Smith, D., Frey, N., Pumpian, I., & Fisher, D. (2017). Building Equity - Polices and Practices to Empower All Learners. VA: ASCD.

"Our students deserve no less than a high-quality, inclusive, equitable learning experience."

"BET Level 5 (Engaged and Inspired Learners) does deserve a bit of special attention in this introduction. Levels 1 to 4 address equity concerns and practices that schools should consider when designing school equity plans. They focus largely on inputs—that is, on things the school might choose to do in order to promote a more equitable learning environment and experience. Level 5, in contrast, is much more focused on student outcomes—that is, on what educators hope to achieve as a result of their efforts to promote equity and excellence. Level 5 is about determining the effect of those inputs on the overall development and achievement of a student body. It's about asking, "How do we know whether our students have been affected by our responsive practices to further equity? Is our mission and vision for our school and student body truly being realized? What does a student demonstrate in skill, knowledge, and disposition that tells us our attention to school equity is approaching a quality educational experience?"

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Ana Manuela
Faria Salgado
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Habilitações Académicas

Licenciatura em Ensino Básico, variante EVT (2004)

Pós-graduação em Arte-Terapia (2005)

Especialização em Educação Especial, grupo 920 (2007)

Mestrado (2ºciclo) Psicopatologia da Comunicação e Linguagem (2009)

Mestrado Integrado em Psicologia (2014)

Especialização em Educação Especial, grupo 910 (2017)


Experiência Profissional

Docência (1º, 2º e 3º ciclos. Educação Especial, Curso Profissional, AEC)

Avaliação/Intervenção psicoeducacional

Bolseira de Investigação no INML (PTDC/MHC-PAP/4295/2012)



Outras informações

CAP 51033/2004

CCPFC/RFO 26558/09

Membro Efetivo da OPP

Sócio Fundador ADIPSIEDUC

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